Redevelopment of the public space outside the San Agustín market
Authors: Jorge García, Fernando Eiroa
Collaborators: Rafael Calvo
Promoter: A Coruña City Council
Status: Commissioned

The redevelopment of the public space outside the Mercado de San Agustín aims to base its propositional strategy on three basic points: the arrangement of the spaces so that they present a greater degree of functional efficiency, the humanisation of the public space by gaining ground over ordinary road traffic and to achieve with the intervention a language from which a historical reading of the city can be discerned.
The position of the Mercado de San Agustín within the historic city, as a crossroads of visuals, as a sequence of spaces, as a connection and a place to stay, clearly shows the character of the city centre. Road traffic has been gaining its specific space, so that nowadays we find, at the foot of the market and the church, elements subordinated to the means of transport that demand certain easements, to the detriment of the use of the space for urban activities.
The absence of a large unitary space hinders the urban response required by the complexity of creating quality spaces, without neglecting the necessary functionality required in day-to-day life.
The project aims to achieve flexible spaces with the appropriate scale for the development of urban and commercial life, as well as leisure and economic activities, and at the same time to organise the surroundings by generating recognisable places of welcome in this unique enclave.
The paving, mainly with stone elements of various types, allows the coexistence of road traffic and pedestrians, reducing traffic speeds. This solution results in environmental sustainability and low maintenance, as well as favouring visual and environmental relations.
The entire area of action requires taking into account its limits and possible relationships, so that the whole forms part of a "whole" with the existing streets and squares, since the main objective to which an urban public space should aspire is none other than to have vitality.